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Dr. Chan Tze-Haw

Senior Lecturer
Graduate School of Business
Universiti Sains Malaysia


  • Post-Doc, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2009-2012
  • Ph.D., Financial Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2009
  • M.S., Financial Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2001
  • B. ECON., International Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1999


Dr Chan Tze-Haw (PhD) presently serves Graduate School of Business (GSB, USM) as senior lecturer. Dr Chan began his academic career in 2002, after some years of industry experience in the construction sector. He was the founder of the Centre for Globalization and Sustainability Research (CGSR), Multimedia University, before awarded the Prime Minister’s Perdana Research Fellowship (2009-2012) by USM and Putrajaya. Dr Chan actively involved with research and consultation projects related to Industry Competitiveness, Financial Economics and Applied Econometrics.

To date, Dr Chan has more than 80 publications (7 ISI, 14 Scopus) in scientific journals as well as proceedings in local and international conferences. In the past decade, he has supervised more than 30 MBA and 13 PhD candidates. Dr Chan has also been a regular reviewer for international ISI- and Scopus-indexed journals. He has secured 14 research grants and 11 consultation projects from the EPU-World Bank, Intel, Silterra and MyCC, etc. As international recognition for his works and specialization, Dr Chan has been listed as Top-15% and Top-22% economists in Malaysia and Asia respectively since 2008 by the RePEc database, with H-index score at 11. His profile is also made available at ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Academia.

Teaching and Research Areas

Teaching: Business Economics, Economic Integration, International Financial Management, Research Methodology.

Research Interest: International Finance, Financial Economics, Applied Econometrics.

Consultancy and Industrial Experience

  1. Intel’s Economic impact on Malaysia (2019/20)
  2. Pharmaceutical market Review (2018)
  3. E-Views Data Analysis & Interpretation (2016)
  4. Silterra’s Economic Impact on Malaysian Economy (2014/15)
  5. Intel’s Economic Impact on Malaysian Economy (2012/13)
  6. Competition Issues in the Haulier Sector of Malaysia (2012/13)
  7. The Competition ACT 2010: A Review of Market Behaviour (2012)
  8. Writing journal Manuscript (2011)
  9. International Medical University (IMU) Student Satisfaction Survey 2009
  10. Kursus Pemprosesan Data SPSS (2007)
  11. International Medical University (IMU) Student Satisfaction Survey 2006